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mayme 01-05-2012 7:12:24 PM CST enjoy the pics
mayme 07-11-2011 1:05:36 PM CST Great News!!! The winner of the Kids Competition not only gets a PAID spot at the heritage festival, they are also opening the festival.
mayme 04-09-2010 8:08:15 AM CST  All our proceeds will be given to the Luttrell Volunteer Fire Department. Thank goodness they were on hand last year to provide a little heat relief. Last year a little over $1000.00 was raised for the department. We hope to top that this year. LVFD will have a donation jar on hand if you wish to help us reach our goal.
mayme 04-09-2010 7:50:51 AM CST  Last year we had a complaint about parking. This year our Mayor himself has offered to sponser a hay ride up and down Park Rd. I hope you take advantage of that to get to your cars.